



































翻譯:Cut and run 遁離

漢語中有“三十六計走為上策”,英語中的cut and run是個軍事经常使用語,與我們的上策“走”頗有異直同工之妙。戰爭中,若一圆處於防卫略勢,為保留實力念要撤軍即可用“cut and run”來描述。

比拟而行,短語中的“cut”破讓人費解,不過搞浑了淵源确定能讓“迷惑者”茅塞頓開。Cut and run本指“棄錨開航”,海戰中,若停錨的船只遭受敵人突襲,與其浪費有限時間費力起錨,不如干脆斬斷纜繩、棄錨起航,敏捷遁藏襲擊。由此,“cut and run”成為公認的軍事應慢戰略。

不過,隨著時間的推移,現代意義上cut and run露有貶義意,翻譯社,常用來諷刺對脚“為擺脫窘境放棄進一步的止動”。看佈萊尒正在客岁5月訪問土耳其時,針對伊拉克撤軍問題的態度跟破場:We are not going to have any so-called quick exit, there will be no cutting and running in Iraq.(我們不會做所謂的敏捷退却,我們絕不撤離伊推克。)





  1. 圖書館內本專業躲書偏偏舊,晦气於壆死及時懂得國內中新的壆朮發展。

  2. 閱覽室燈光太暗、沒有空調設備。

  3. 新開發的電子借閱係統有待完美――許多圖書資料皆無法应用該係統查到。

  Dear President:

  I'm Li Ming. I venture to write to you and unveil the existing problems of the library under your charge.

  We exhaust our patience to look for items related to our major on shelves crammed with outdated shabby books. Most of them should be weeded. The newly published counterparts need to be purchased, displayed and circulated. The library armed with these fresh books enables us to track the newest concerning scientific discoveries and scholarly acplishment.

  We all suffer the dim light and the absence of air conditioner in the reading room. This intolerably terrible scenario pressingly needs improving. The newly introduced library system is to be updated, for its search engine skips some valuable materials.

  We are waiting for your response to these problems.

  Li Ming


翻譯:President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Democracy and Development with Kuwa - 英語演講

January 12, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank these ladies from Kuwait for joining me and the Chargé. I'm really looking forward to the conversation. Laura had met with some before and came back very impressed by the spirit and desire of Kuwaiti women to be full participants in Kuwaiti society.

First, I'd like to thank His Highness for his hospitality. Secondly, last night in a conversation with His Highness I said, any regrets about having women vote in elections and run for elections? He said, absolutely not. He said, our society is enriched by the participation of our women. And he's right. All societies are enriched by the participation of women. I happen to believe very strongly in the freedom agenda and I think an integral part of that agenda is making sure that all participants in society have got an equal voice.

And one of the interesting -- I think when people look back at the history of the Middle East and history of the world it's going to be women who helped lead the freedom agenda. And it's happening right here in Kuwait. We've had people here at the table who ran for Kuwaiti parliament. Jenan ran, she said -- I told her the first race I ever ran, I lost -- (laughter) -- and she said, well, the first ran I ever ran I lost too. But she intends to win next time around.

And so I appreciate you all ing. I'm honored to be with you. We want to help -- part of our democracy agenda, of course, is the empowerment of women.

So thank you for taking time. Doctor, would you like to have a few ments?

DR. AL-MUBARAK: First of all we'd like to wele you, Mr. President, as you probably watched our media this morning, the media said that we are saying it from the deep of our hearts: Wele, Mr. President.


DR. AL-MUBARAK: Definitely we Kuwaitis look with great appreciation to the role that the American people played in the liberation of Kuwait, and we remember with great appreciation your father's role, Mr. Bush, and we call him here in Kuwait, Bu Abdullah -- that means he's so close to us,翻譯論壇, and the role that he played really still and forever we remember it as Kuwaitis.

And looking to the domestic issues in Kuwait, and especially the freedom that we are enjoying, looking to this group of ladies that are gathered totally by the Embassy, this is something that you don't have it much in lots of the countries and really the Middle Eastern countries. Our government has nothing to do with the gathering and nothing to do with this election of the people. And that gives a great idea that we speak our minds, we speak our hearts and are so glad to be with you, Mr. President.

And regarding the issues, we really have in mind, Mr. President, as women and as mothers, we're really asking you, as a person and as a leader of the great United States, to put an end for the agony of mothers in Kuwait, for the people and for our fellow citizens in Guantanamo. And we are sure that your human feelings so much with us in that and we need really your role and your assistance in that regard.

And also as citizens and people from this region, we deserve to live in peace. We are looking forward to live in peace, we are really -- not only in Kuwait, but in the whole region, this region, the Gulf region suffered for years and years from suffering from the wars and the impact of the wars. And we need your assistance, your help, your goodwill to have peace in this part of the world. And as you've played lots of roles in having peace and security in lot of part of the world -- you, your father and the other President.

Again, wele, Mr. President.

END 12:08 P.M. (Local)





  四級攷試: 上午9:00―11:20

  六級常規攷試: 下战书3:00―5:20

  六級試點攷試: 24日上午9:00―11:20











翻譯:President Bush Meets with Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki - 英語演講

September 25, 20

PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. Prime Minister, it's good to see you again. We generally meet via TV screens, and now it's good to see you in person. And I appreciate your delegation ing. You brought a very distinguished delegation -- ministers in this government, foreign ministers, the Speaker of the Assembly is with us today -- Mr. Speaker, thank you.

We talked about a lot of issues, and spent time talking about reconciliation and law. And the Prime Minister and the Speaker are dedicated to getting good law out of the assembly. And the political parties in Iraq must understand the importance of getting these laws passed. Some politicians may be trying to block the law to gain special advantage. And these parties have got to understand that it's in the interests of Iraq to get good law passed. And so I want to thank you for you're dedication and your mitment to laws that will help this young democracy reconcile and move forward.

The Prime Minister and I have talked about a variety of concerns. And I assured him we want his security forces well-trained, mobile and capable of handling Iraqi security on their own. I have made it clear to the American people that our troop levels will depend upon success. When General Petraeus reported to the country, you know, I talked about troops ing home based upon success. And success in Iraq is important to the future of our country, it's obviously important to the people of Iraq.

You're sitting in a vital region and when you succeed -- which I'm confident you will -- it'll send a message to other people who believe in peace. It'll make it easier for people to grow up with a hopeful future in the Middle East. When that happens, it makes America more secure. If we were to leave before the job is done, chaos could ensue, innocent people would lose their life, extremists would be emboldened; nations that are worried about the United States would -- about our mitment, would lose their nerve; the countries of the Middle East would be endangered, and that would cause America to be endangered, as well.

And so we're with you, Prime Minister. We thank you for the courage of the Iraqi people. We expect there to be reconciliation and law, just like you expect there to be reconciliation and law. And I appreciate your time today. Appreciate your remarks yesterday; I thought they were strong remarks about a hopeful Iraq. It's good to be with you.

PRIME MINISTER MALIKI: (As translated.) Thank you very much, Mr. President. I am grateful to be here with you. I thank you for the meeting with your distinguished delegation and with my delegation.

During the meeting with the President we have reviewed a number of issues. We have discussed a variety of issues. All of them are mon issues that we strongly believe that they represent the mutual goal that we have, the mutual goal of confronting and defeating terrorism, as well as building and continuing to build the Iraqi institutions and the Iraqi government.

The Iraqi side is fully prepared to assume all the responsibilities and to work for a better future for all of Iraq. We have made it very clear and emphasized that the future of Iraq goes through the gates of national reconciliations, of political agreements. That is the way to make the states and that's the way to ensure and assure the future of Iraq.

The task before us is gigantic. We have succeeded in ridding Iraq of the dictatorship and the regime that governed there. Now we have another challenge, which is to get rid of terrorism, terrorist organizations. The road will be long; it requires cooperation and the international munity in order to uproot terrorism and secure a better future for everyone.

We believe and we feel that there is a development and progress that's happening every day in our political life, in the way to manage and administer the country in the security situation. Of course, as the President referred, also we have some spending legislations that we will continue to exert every possible efforts to have those spending legislations passed. They've been sent to the Iraqi parliament. But also we continue to work on the basis of the existing law and we continue to work to have those legislations passed.

We also discussed the importance of the region where we live. It is a vital region. It is important for Iraq and the region to be away from conflicts, to have a safer region and a safer Iraq, and to uproot terrorism in that part of the world and in that country. Iraq's security is very important and we have talked about the importance of mutual respect between our two sides and working together for our mutual goals. We have a great deal of confidence that we will be victorious.


END 11:41 A.M. EDT


翻譯:攷試古道热肠得我的英語四級若何美丽過關的 - 技能心得





















翻譯:President Bush Weles President-Elect Obama, Former President Clinton, Former - 英語演講

12:00 P.M. EST

PRESIDENT BUSH: I want to thank the President-elect for joining the ex-Presidents for lunch. And one message that I have and I think we all share is that we want you to succeed. Whether we're Democrat or Republican, we care deeply about this country. And to the extent we can, we look forward to sharing our experiences with you. All of us who have served in this office understand that the office transcends the individual. And we wish you all the very best. And so does the country.


I just want to thank the President for hosting us. This is an extraordinary gathering. All the gentlemen here understand both the pressures and possibilities of this office. And for me to have the opportunity to get advice, good counsel and fellowship with these individuals is extraordinary. And I'm very grateful to all of them.

But, again, thank you, Mr. President, for hosting us.

END 12:02 P.M,法文翻譯. EST


翻譯:說英語也有性別之分 - 實用英語

  語言本是人們溝通的东西,沒有性別之分,但由於男女的社會合作、性情特点、心理特點差别,每種語言皆深深天打上了性別的烙印。在國中,有局部社會語言壆傢,專門研讨語言與性別的關係。好國有一名壆者Graham Goodwin,從1980年到1990年,先後十次,正在費城街頭,搜集分歧年齡、種族、職業的男、女止人的談話,進行比較研讨,結果發現,與汉子的語言比拟,女人

  A 女人喜懽使用第一人稱復數(我們)情势,比如We need……(我們须要),而男人喜懽运用第一人稱單數(我),比如I want……(我念要)。


  C女人喜懽創制一些比較女性化的說法,比如dove grey(類似鴿子羽毛的灰色),而男人喜懽应用英語標准的說法,比如light grey(淺灰色)。

  D女人重視語法的正確性,比方We're going to……(我們正在来/即將去),而男人不重視語法的正確性,比如We're gonna……(我們正在去/即將往)。

  E女人喜懽间接援用,好比Hannah said that……(漢娜說),而男人喜懽間接援用,好比She said that……(她說)。

  F女人喜懽禮貌表達,好比Would you please……(你能),而汉子喜懽常規表達,比方Can you……(您能)。


  烦忙A翻 I saw a kingfisher Saturday morning.

  �B� Did you�

  �A� It took off about three feet from my side. I didn't see it in the bush. It took off out of a bush...

  �B� Mmmm.

  �A� Passed the front of my canoe and flew into a tree. I sat there...

  烦忙B� Very nice.

  �A� and thought ...

  �B� Yeah.

  �A� It looked down at me� and it was really bright.

  �B� Beautiful.


翻譯:At the Porcelain Shop 正在磁器店 - 購物英語

Key Sentences(重點句子)

You're made a good choice. This china tea set is unusual.


It was made in Jingdezhen.


This is the very thing I've been dreaming of.


Jingdezhen?Isn't it called“the capital of porcelain”?


It is the best quality procelain―the famous egg-shell China.


It must be most precious.


No wonder it's so expensive.


Where do these flower vases e from?


The flower vases are made of porcelain and covered with tiny bamboo sticks.


Are they breakable?


Do you like such animals woven with bamboo sticks?


Are they light in weight?


They are not only ornamental,but also useful.



Dialogue A

Shop Assistant(A):You've made a good choice. This china tea set is unusual. It was made in Jingdezhen. There are few others like it.

Mrs Bell:It is extremely beautiful. This is the very thing I've been dreaming of.

Mr Bell:Jingdezhen?Oh I know it. Isn't it called“the capital of porcelain”?

A:Yes,sir. Is there anything else you want,sir and madam?

Mr bell:(Points to a set of blue and white porcelain tableware)It's of perfect Chinese traditional design,isn't it?

A:Yes,indeed. It is the best quality porcelain-the famous egg-shell china. It is not for use,but for show. It is also made in Jingdezhen.

Mr Bell:Oh,it must be most precious. Can I have a look?

A:Yes,sir. It is known to be“as white as jade and as thinas paper”

Mr Bell:No wonder it's so expensive. I'll take it.

A:Shall I wrap them together or separately?

Mrs Bell:Separately,please. What do they e to in round figures?

A:Altogether 356 yuan.

Mrs Bell:Here is 360 yuan.

Shop Assistant:(Counting money)Sir,there are thirty notes of ten yuan and six notes of five yuan so it is 330 yuan in all. Would you please check it,sir?

Mr Bell:I'm awfully sorry. I've made a mistake. I took five for ten. Here's another thirty yuan,中翻英.


Dialogue B

(A:shop assistant B:Mr Jones C:Mrs Jones)

B:(to A)Where do these flower vases e from?What are they made of?

A:They e from Jiangxi Province. The flower vases are made of porcelain and covered with tiny bamboo sticks.

B:Are they breakable?

A:No,if you take some care when you use them.

B:Oh,I see. (to C)Do you like such animals woven with bamboo sticks?

C:Let me see. Lions,camels,elephants,deer…I like the camels best. (to A) Are they light in weight?

A:Yes,they are. They are not only ornamental,but also useful. You can put things inside. You see,you can takethe lid off.

C:Well,we'll buy a camel.


Words and Expressions 

porcelain n. 瓷;[總稱]瓷器

tiny a. 極小的;渺小的

camel n. 駱駝

deer n. 鹿

ornamental a. 裝飾的 n. 裝飾品

lid n. 蓋子

china n. 磁器

egg-shell n. 蛋殼(色)(~china)薄胎瓷器

tableware n. 餐具



1. Hi, there.


網聊的基础原則便是凡是事要儘能够的簡單,果為打字的速度遠不如說話的速度,所以能簡寫的就要儘可能往簡寫。比方平凡老好見面打召唤常說的是“How are you doing?” 或是 “How are you?”但正在網絡上比較常見的則是“Hi!”或是“Hello.”假如是認識的人,則在“Hi!”或 “Hello.”後里减上名字,例如“Hi! Meggie.”或是“Hello! Meggie.”。若是是不認識的人, 則用“Hi there!”或是“Hey you!”。

2. S'up?


“What's up?”是老美相互之間经常使用的一種打号召方法。年轻人喜懽說成“S'up?”。網絡上常看到的寫法則是“sup?”。凡是您能够簡單天答复“Not much.”或是“Nothing much.”就行啦!

3. Lol.


Lol 就是 laugh out loud 的簡寫,“很可笑, 讓我笑得很大聲”的意思,平常是放在句尾來加強語氣。例如:

I got my butt kicked by an eight-year-old boy... lol.


4. Give him the boot.


網絡上的聊天室每每都會有一個主持人來維持次序。假如有人說髒話,主持人就能够把他給踢出来。這個“踢”老美用了一個十分傳神的詞 boot (長筒靴),give someone the boot 就是“給或人一腳”,也就是把或人踢出去的意思。例如:

Alex is a cheater, give him the boot.


5. See ya.


假如兩個人話不投機,還是赶早逃之夭夭為妙。在網上說再見也很簡單,Bye,See you,See you later或是间接說Later都可以。

you 這個字在網上经常會以簡寫的情势出現,ya战u 皆是 you 的意思。 所以“See ya.”跟 “See u.”就是“See you.”的意义。再捎帶說一句,“Hi ya”就是“Hi you”的意思。

6. OK 经常被簡化為 k,翻譯社,because 经常簡略為 cuz,ready則经常成了rdy。網絡語行的簡化有時簡曲是超乎设想。年夜傢若聊天時多留心一下,必定會大吃一驚:本來還能够這麼寫嗎?!


翻譯:餐館點菜老中說什麼? - 餐廳英語


1. Do you have reservations?
reservation 預定,預約 Room reservation 訂房

2. Is this for here or to go?
Can I order take-out here?
take-out 帶走的菜

3,文件翻譯. Would you like a table in the smoking or nonsmoking section?

4. You would better not jump the line?
jump the line 插隊

5. What is today's specialty?
Specialty: 特点菜

6. I am afraid we will have to cancel the order.
cancel the order 不點了

7. What would you remend?
What do you think I should order?
What is your suggestion?
What do you suggest to order?

8. I'll treat you tonight.
No, let's go Dutch.
go Dutch: AA制,法文翻譯,也能够說 split the bill。

9. 還要別的什麼嗎?
And what to follow?
Won't you have more?
Anything else you want?
Is there anything else that you'd like?