
Lapidary 簡潔優雅的


Lapidary原指"寶石;寶石商",做形容詞時,可以指"刻在石頭上的",源於希臘語lapis(石頭)。一直到現在,我們還可看到一係列與lapis相關的"石頭"詞匯,如:lapidify(石化)、lapis lazuli(天青石)、lapidate(用石頭砸死某人),而"寶石"又怎麼能引申為"犀利的文風"呢?理解這個稍有跨度的詞義轉變,得需要一點點的想象力。


舉個例子來加深我們對lapidary的理解:A lapidary style of literary writing stresses precision, depth and lean refinement(所謂文風精辟,是指用詞要准確、內容要深刻、語言要優美和簡練)。


Boxing Day


啪!電源斷了,屏幕黑了!這會兒,越南文翻譯,第一反應倒不是電腦故障,而是那要了命的稿件。忘了存盤,半個下午的努力前功儘棄。“I am back to square one ” —— 我得從頭開始寫,英翻中,你說氣人不氣人?

短語“back to square one”指的是“前功儘棄,(因失敗)從頭開始”。其淵源與碁盤游戲有關,square在此表示“碁盤上的格”。無論玩什麼碁,你都得從碁盤上的第一個方格跳起, 如果一侷中有人犯規,這盤碁可能得毀掉重來。由此,back to square one (字面意:從方格1開始)常喻指“失敗後回到起點,論文翻譯,一切重新開始”。

看下面一個例句:Our design for a solar-powered washing machine didn't work, so it's back to square one.(我們的太陽能洗衣機設計方案失敗,所有的一切都要重新開始。)


National Hispanic Heritage Month, 20 - 英語演講

September 12, 20

Hispanic Americans have strengthened our country and contributed to the spirit of America. National Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to honor these contributions and the rich cultural traditions of our Hispanic-American munity.

Hispanic Americans have helped establish America as a place of freedom and opportunity, and their contributions have illustrated what is best about our great Nation. Their hard work, love of country, and deep mitment to faith and family have shaped the of our country and helped preserve the values we all cherish. By sharing their vibrant culture and heritage, Hispanic Americans have also enriched the American experience and helped define the unique fabric of our Nation.

Americans of Hispanic heritage have carried on a proud tradition of service to our Nation. In times of great consequence, they have answered the call to defend America as members of our Armed Forces. These brave men and women bring honor to America, and we are grateful for their service and sacrifice. In our towns and munities, Hispanic Americans have also shown the good heart of our Nation by volunteering to help their fellow Americans. Their kindness and passion have made a difference in the lives of others and have made our country a more hopeful place for all.

During National Hispanic Heritage Month, we the diversity that makes America stronger, and we recognize the many ways Hispanic Americans have enriched our Nation. To honor the achievements of Hispanic Americans, the Congress, by Public Law 100 402, as amended, has authorized and requested the President to issue annually a proclamation designating September 15 through October 15 as ",論文翻譯;National Hispanic Heritage Month."

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 15 through October 15, 20, as National Hispanic Heritage Month,遠見翻譯. I call upon public officials, educators, librarians, and all the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-second,韓文翻譯.