
【單語新闻】掛牛頭賣馬肉 萬萬牛馬肉漢堡被召回

  10m beefburgers recalled: Supermarkets clear shelves over horse meat fears

  Ten million beefburgers are being recalled in a British scandal over horse meat contamination, it emerged yesterday.


  As revulsion over the issue grew, more supermarkets and fast food chain Burger King were drawn into the row.


  Sainsbury's, Asda and the Co-op have decided to remove thousands of packs of frozen burgers as a precautionary measure.

  英國大型連鎖超市Sainsbury’s、Asda 戰Co-op已決議埰納防備辦法,將數千包熱凍漢堡下架。

  The firms acted because the products were made by an Irish food giant which is known to have been supplying burgers contaminated with horse meat.


  Separately, Burger King confirmed it gets burgers from the same company. However, it said there has been an 'absolute assurance' that these are not contaminated.


  Food watchdogs in the UK and Ireland are racing to establish whether products made for other retailers, take-aways and restaurants are contaminated.


  Last night the Government and the Food Standards Agency announced a UK wide survey into the authenticity of burgers and other processed meat products.


  The revelations have been met with anger and disgust, while the companies involved face prosecutions for misleading shoppers.


  Speaking at Prime Minister's Question Time, David Cameron, said: 'People in our country will have been very concerned to read this morning that when they thought they were buying beefburgers they were buying something with horse meat in it. This is a completely unacceptable state of affairs.'

  大年夜衛•卡梅倫正在 “輔弼發問時光”接筦量詢時稱:“年夜眾在從古早新闻中獲知他們購寘的牛肉漢堡中攙雜了馬肉後,將會初終擔憂受怕。這類侷勢是完全不成接受的。”

  He warned the stores involved, saying: 'Ultimately retailers have to be responsible for what it is they sell and where it comes from.'


  The alert was first raised by Irish food watchdogs earlier this week after horse DNA was found in burgers sold through Tesco, Iceland, Aldi, Lidl and Dunnes in Ireland.


  It subsequently emerged that burgers from the same batches were sold in the British outlets of both Tesco and Iceland. The beef content in one Everyday Value burger sold by Tesco was actually 29 percent horse meat.


  The tests were carried out in November but the results were not released until they had been checked by experts in Germany. It is likely that many thousands of the burgers contaminated with horse meat have been eaten by families.


